
Rohani Ilaj Application

Rohani Ilaj Application
Rohani Ilaj Application
Rohani Ilaj Application

Ruhani Ilaj App Technology:

Application has been developed by the IT Department of Dawat-e-Islami for android devices.


The IT department of Dawat-e-Islami, a global non-political movement for the propagation of Quran and Sunnah, has developed and presented a new application, namely “Ruhani Ilaj” for the spiritual treatment of Muslim Ummah. The App is based on 40 different Spiritual Cures (40 Ruhani Ilaj), a booklet of Shaikh-e-Tariqat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Hazrat Allama Maulana Abu-Bilal Muhmmad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razaviدَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ .
This enchanting application is designed with a marvelous layout. It includes various diseases and their spiritual treatments. “Quranic Wazaif” derived from “Asma-e-Ilahe عَزَّ وَجَلَّ” can be accessed freely on the app. Those who require instant Wazaif in their daily life can make use of this application.

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