Book Name:Safar e Meraj 27th Rajab 1442
سُبْحٰنَ الَّذِیْۤ اَسْرٰى بِعَبْدِهٖ لَیْلًا مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ اِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْاَقْصَا
Glory be to Him Who took His bondsman by the night from the Sacred Mosque (the Ka’bah) to al-Aqsa Mosque
[Kanz-ul-Iman (translation of Quran)] (Part 15, Surah Bani Israel, Verse 1)
Sayyid Mufti Muhammad Na’eem-ud-Deen Muradabadi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه writes the following under this verse: It is the opinion of the honourable companions رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُم of the Beloved Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم that the Night Journey took place in a state of wakefulness (as opposed to in a dream), with both body and soul. (Tafseer-e-Khaza’in-ul-Irfan, part 15, Surah Bani Israel, under the verse 1, summarised)
The portion of the Night Journey which has been mentioned in this blessed verse, in and of itself, is an amazing miracle, because there was a very large distance between Masjid-e-Haraam and Masjid-e-Aqsa. Therefore, it was impossible that a normal person could travel from Masjid-e-Haraam to Masjid-e-Aqsa and then return, all in a single night. In fact, it was not even possible to travel just one-way in one night, just as Allamah Isma’eel Haqqi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states: There was a distance of more than one month’s travel between Masjid-e-Haraam and Masjid-e-Aqsa. (Tafseer Ruh-ul-Bayan, part 15, Surah Bani Israel, under the verse 1, vol. 5, p. 104)
Dear Islamic brothers! Why did the Night Journey take place? And what occurred during this night? Let us listen briefly listen to this:
When the Beloved Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم announced his prophethood and messenger-ship, and began to call towards the worship of the One True Lord, those who were involved in disbelief and polytheism became his sworn enemies. Even though his blessed life, which was purer than dew, more fragrant than a flower, more