Book Name:Safar e Meraj 27th Rajab 1442
the Ism-e-A’zam (The Greatest Name of Allah), said, ‘I will bring the throne before you blink your eye.’ Thus, the throne was brought in the blinking of an eye. There are other similar verses and Ahadith like this also.
The summary of the discussion is that: Allah Almighty is Qaadir, Qadeer, Muqtadir and Khaaliq; He may manifest His Power and ability to create in any way He wills; this is His Greatness.
The miracle of Mi’raaj has become easier to understand and accept in this age of science, because the previous people were unaware of the Divine Laws that govern the universe, so they would reject anything that they could not understand with their minds. For example, if a person was to make a claim a thousand years ago that a palace weighing thousands of tonnes can fly in the air, the people would ridicule him, yet everyone accepts airplanes today.
Likewise, if somebody five hundred years ago said, ‘Thousands of fans, machines and other things can come into motion by pressing a button, and hundreds of thousands of bulbs can be illuminated, and then everything can be switched off through the press of a button’, then those who were listening would reject it. However, all of this is occurring in the world today through the pressing of a button in a power plant, and everyone accepts this. If this marvel of human knowledge and ability is so astonishing then you can imagine the greatness of Divine Power for yourself.
Hypothetically speaking, if a metaphorical ‘switch’ was turned off on the Night of Mi’raaj and the world was brought to a standstill and then the Mi’raaj took place, and then the world was resumed once again after the return, then this is not something that is beyond the Power of Allah Almighty. Scientists are now openly acknowledging that they have only uncovered a very small portion of the universe’s secrets. Hence, the greatest scientist of the modern age, Albert Einstein, said: Through a radio telescope, I have seen a galaxy that is 200,000 light